Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Images Crit. #1

Here I wanted to play with assumptions. How we automatically read the girl as the victim. Both figures have bruses/cute, but we link the male as the abuser. This flows with the male dominated societt. Also that this is a big issue between the sexes. I was thinking of keeping these images, and then adding ones where the male is the victim?

These images:
The top left is dealing with the stereotype that everyone women loved chocolate.
The left is automatically assumed this is an action a female is doing. Reading a "girl" magazine, maybe laying out. (although not enough information is given to fully know). Society has trained my viewers to interpret the image this way.

The left of a large, male cleaning was done to as the swapping of gender roles. I wanted to see if this difference affected the viewer.


With these two images I am comparing the different feeling a viewer gets between the different physical relationships going on. The bottom seems normal, but the left is either funny, awkward, or uneasy depending on the viewer.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Where I am at on Critique #1

-What was Initial Ideal?: “If Women Ruled the World.”
Swap gender roles.
Or (and leaning more towards) and evolving to…
Explored male dominance over women. dominant males have become in society by taking pictures of everyday acts (like opening the door, paying the bill, driving the car) I want this to convey emotion and the relationship between men and women.

New Ideas: We live in a male dominated society. I want to visually represent this through pictures.
Why do some images strike you differently as a viewer?
Sexual representation
Body Language
-What does work communicate to viewer?
Gender representation. Explore roles of men and women visually.

-What is working well, what change or improve?
I like the different emotions, but I need to focus my project more. It is still broad, but the more images I take will help this.
Power to attract others?
Domesticity (influence of home life)
Power (ability to have strength, influence and/or control) Who is the victim?

I like this term:
Patriarchy is a social system in which the role of the father is central to social organization, and where fathers hold authority over women, children and property. Historically, the principle of patriarchy has been basic to the social, legal, political and economic organization in Hebrew, Greek, Roman, Indian and Chinese cultures, and has had a deep influence on most aspects of modern civilization.[1]
In feminist theory the concept patriarchy often includes all the social mechanisms that reproduces and exerts male dominance over women.

Project Purposal

Initia Idea?
For my project I want to explore the ideal “If Women Ruled the World.” I have always taken an interest in art that explored male dominance over women. I want to start incorporating this into my own work, and I feel this concept would be captured best be photography. I plan on creating a series of photographic prints, and giving them a specific order.
Ideas I currently have are broad, but to start I will swap gender roles. I hope to capture how dominant males have become in society by taking pictures of everyday acts (like opening the door, paying the bill, driving the car), but doing a role reversal. I will also explore this topic with some comedy (like a toilet seat chained down to the floor). As of now these images will be from a feminist point of view. Although, I will want to also see how images from the man’s point of view will turn out. I plan to experiment with various elements, depending on the scene I am shooting. Color will be a big factor to this project too. I want this to help convey emotion and the relationship between men and women.