Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Assignment #3 HOME

Making the selections for the top three for assignment has been easiest yet. The assignment was to photograph anything that reminded me of home. My first selection first got my attention by its lighting and clarity. It is of two rocking chairs on a porch. The viewpoint is as if someone is peaking around the entering gate. There is a reflection in the French doors that helps bring together the complexity of the right side of the image to the sterile left side.
The next image is much more abstract. It is a close up of a garbage disposal and a catcher from a stove. The water is running and is out of focus, but the bubbles and text are in focus. The only color is burnt orange of burnt grease and food build up. This shows the domestic side of a home. The dirty pan shows how much use the stove gets, and cooking that goes on.
The last image is my favorite for this assignment. In a second the first thought the viewer gets is HOME. The picket fence, green-cut lawn, trimmed bushes, and an American flag makes this a home universal. The house seems full of life and presence. This image is full of details and reminds me of an older veteran.

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