Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Latest class UCF visit

Our class’s most recent trip to UCF was pretty fun! First we did our class discussion at Rollins about our “home” photographs. Normally we split up in groups of three to critique, but this time we split up in groups of five. I though the larger groups were fun! During the critiques we describe the elements, what pops out after a while, and how the images related to the ideas of home. As a group we pick the strongest and list three descriptive and interpretive terms.
When we went to UCF we used our images selected in class with the UCF clients. They had to describe the images by themselves. Our goal was to see how many similarities and differences there would be between the clients and classes description. In my case there were many similarities. They described all the same descriptive terms, and even surpassed the interpretive.
I liked this exercise because it allowed me the most communication with the client. Also I felt excitement when the client made the same connection with the photographs us Rollins students made during our critique! This class is pushes me, but is very rewarding emotionaly.

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