Sunday, March 28, 2010


Well this is my work-in-progress critique about my Independent Project. My project is to make a web-site that is Aphasia friendly. The site is to promote education and awareness about Aphasia and using photography as an alternative source of communication to People with Aphasia (PWA) and their families. I am still working on what audience I want to target most, and if I want to make this a site that educated the public too.
So far I have been doing research, and trying to organize the site (and layout). I want to include all the material I have gathered from the course. I still want to add an overview of the Rollins course, and the students/clients experiences. I still have some questions for the site:
1. Other ways/ideas to make the site more Aphasia friendly?
2. What information is missing, or should be taken out?
3. Should I add a page about UCF and if so what should it include?

I look forward to hearing feedback!

Here is my SITE


  1. 1) What you are working with so far is pretty good. I like the large font paired with lots of imagery. Make sure that when you give them an overview of all this information you break it down to the main point that you want them to get out of what you are trying to say, because you don't want to overwhelm them with a bunch of writing.
    2) I think what you have now is a good outline, I would definitely urge you to consider adding more "personal" touches to the page. Add some photos of our classmates working with the clients over at UCF, or some of our client's own works. What you have now, lacks that certain quality...people wanna see real people, getting better. That gives them hope that they have a chance to get better as well. Keep that in mind.
    3) I think that would be a good idea, but instead of going into to much detail about the CDC, use it as a resource page for people who might be interested in getting involved with the programs at the clinic.

    Great Job so Far! I'm looking forward to seeing your end result :)

  2. I love this idea caitlin! Really a great way to give back and reach out to others. As far as your questions go:

    1. I think i mentioned this in class but i think it'd be a great idea if you let others post on the blog too. Maybe find a way for people to be able to sign up for your site and then have access to it? I dont know much about websites/technology or if this is possible but im sure there has to be some way. Otherwise i think the site is great and very easy to navigate and seems very aphasia friendly!

    2. I dont think there's anything on there that should be taken out. I think it'd be great if you added some pictures taken by our clients though to show other people with aphasia what they can do!

    3. I guess my response to number 2 goes along with your third question- yes i'd add a page about ucf and in that page i'd include some pictures the clients have taken.

    Again, I really like your idea! Let me know if you need any other feedback! Best of luck


  3. I think this is a really good idea and it seems like it is pretty Aphasia friendly so far. Im not sure of any information that should be taken out but I think it would be a good idea to include information about UCF. If your client and maybe others allows you to, include some of their pictures to show their progression.

  4. I concur with your classmates - personalizing it a bit more and including some images of the class in session out at UCF would be nice. Also, the key with this site is going to be how you organize it. Right now, the large font and relative simplicity is working well, but once you get into some of the pages, things become a bit jumbled. You'll likely need to simplify and really have a solid idea of how you want people to navigate throughout the site. Use your design skills to make the site both visually stimulating, as well as easy to make your way through.

    Regarding my comments about people who might be interested in your site - I did not mean to imply that I had someone who would help you make/design the site, but rather other organizations around the country who might like to be able to direct people to the site, and who might potentially be interested in having you create a site specific to their programs, if your site comes out well.

  5. hey Caitlin,
    I've been doing research for my project and came across a study like we've been doing

    that's the website that they developed in response to the study. Maybe it can help you out with some inspiration too lol I just thought it was pretty nifty
