Saturday, April 24, 2010

Looking Back

This course went so fast, but it was a lot of fun. I was nervous at the first class because I knew nothing about photography or Aphasia. As an art major I knew I would catch on fast, but with the help of the teachers ability to break down photography and meeting those with Aphasia (All nerves were GONE). From there the course was very rewarding. I learned a new medium which I now love, and also was given the chance to help others along the way.
This was a great class environment and place to learn. Everyone in the class became close, and this made class discussions very productive. I learned a lot during this course, and also grew a desire to want to help others. I realized art is very therapeutic.
I feel like this class affected everyone that took apart in it. It was a very positive experience and I want to keep participating in a service-learning environment. I also became very comfortable with the camera and grew more confidant in my photographic abilities. I also learned about Aphasia and all the work that goes into being a stroke survivor. Something I knew nothing about to start.

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